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ADEX integration methods
ADEX integration methods
Alan K. avatar
Written by Alan K.
Updated over a week ago

We provide several integration methods, among which you may find the right one for you.

  1. JavaScript code integration.

  • Description: This is one of the most advantageous ways of integration, as it eliminates traffic loss and is quite easy to use. JavaScript code collects a maximum amount of information while a user is on your landing page, which allows our system to determine the quality of traffic very accurately.

In order to use JS code on your landing page, you need to have access to edit the source code of the web page.

  • Integration process in ADEX account: The first and very important step in JS code integration process is to define which values you would like to pass to our statistics. This determines how you will see the data coming from you in your ADEX account.

You can select only necessary fields and fill them only.

For example, you want to pass only Traffic Source ID for analysis, in this case you only need to add a value to the appropriate field:

As you can see in the screenshot, the code was immediately updated according to the information we added.

! Please note that in this case the static value 1234567 will be passed to us in the statistics.

In order to get dynamic values from your URL, all such values must be specified inside urlParams: {}.


You need to add our JS code to the{zoneid}&cid={campaignid}&banner={bannerid} page and pass values of zone, advertising campaign and banner ID to us.

Using urlParams: {} we specified what information the Javascript code should "take" from the URL (an example of the script is on the screenshot below).

In this way, when a user comes to your landing page and the macros {zoneid}, {campaignid} and {bannerid} are replaced with certain values, these values will be passed to the Adex statistics in real time.

In case you need to pass both static and dynamic values, the static value should be put behind urlParams: {}, for example:

In this case, the cost value will always be passed as β€œ1”.

We also provide an opportunity to immediately redirect unwanted fraud traffic to any other URL:

All you have to do is set the Redirect URL and choose the type of traffic you want to redirect to another URL. The script will be updated automatically.

2. Redirect integration.

  • Description: This method of integration is suitable for those who do not have access to the source code of the landing page and cannot use the Java Script tag. When using this type of integration a small loss of traffic is possible.

Using redirect, you can pass both static and dynamic values.

Dynamic values are entered in curly brackets, e.g. {zoneid}.

Static values are entered without curly brackets.

The Redirect URL (Target URL) field is required, this is your link that users will follow.

! Please note that when you add a link URLencode takes place:

This is normal and is required in order to allow a browser to read the link correctly. However, if your link already had some parameters set as in our example, you need to URLdecode the parameters. So the final link will look like:


To redirect low-quality traffic you can use the Fraudulent traffic redirect function and select the type of traffic you would like to redirect to another link. The redirect will automatically be added to your ready link, which you can see in the screenshot below:

The generated link can then be used as a Target URL.

3. I-Frame integration.

  • Description: This integration method is suitable for those who do not have access to the source code of the landing page and cannot use Java Script tag and do not want to lose traffic on redirects. In this case, the opening of the landing page in i-Frame must not be prohibited on the advertiser's side.

The integration process is identical to the redirect integration.

With the i-Frame integration method you can pass both static and dynamic values.

Dynamic values are entered in curly brackets, e.g. {zoneid}.

Static values are entered without curly brackets.

The Redirect URL (Target URL) field is required, this is your link that users will follow.

! Please note that when you add a link, the URLencode takes place, as in the case of the redirect. For the link to work properly, you need to manually fix it.

The final link will look as follows:



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